Caesarean Section

Indications for Caesarean Section

Multiple Births

Multiple births such as twins or triplets, can be more safely delivered via c-section. If the position of the fetuses is not ideal, a c-section may be recommended. The greater the number of fetuses the greater the likelihood of Caesarean delivery.

Size of the baby

A large baby may be too big to come through the mother’s pelvis.

Breech presentation in the uterus

In a breech presentation, the baby is positioned to exit the cervix feet-first or buttocks-first. For certain women a caesarean section may be recommended.

Indications for Caesarean Section

Placental Conditions

Placenta praevia - A low lying placenta may prevent the fetal head from engaging in the pelvis to allow for vaginal delivery.

Placental abruption – detaching of the placenta from the uterine wall may require emergency c-section delivery.

Failure to dilate

If the cervix fails to dilate completely in labour, a c-section may be required.

Other medical conditions

Caesarean section can be used to avoid complications due to other medical conditions in the mother such as heart disease, diabetes, pre-eclampsia or eclampsia.

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Caesarean Section

A Caesarean section, or C-section is a method of delivering a baby through a surgical incision in the mother’s abdomen.